Manual of the Archiver Codex Commander 1.1
Command Line Parameters
Usage: mCox <command> <archive> [<files>/@<filelist>] [-<profile>/-<tool>]
a Add files into archive (without recursing subdirectories)
ar Add files into archive (recursing subdirectories)
l List files inside an archive
e Extract files from archive
v View (and update) a file inside an archive
c Convert an archive to other archive format(s)
t Execute archive specific tool on given archive
p Inspect system for installed Codex plugins and update configuration
pi Display information on configured plugins and associated file types
px Remove all Codex plugins from configuration
pa Configure add profile for selected archive
pe Configure extract profile for selected archive
pt List available archive specific tools for selected archive
w Visit Codex Commander home page on the World Wide Web
<General Discussion>
· <command> must be specified at all times
· <archive> must be specified for all commands except w, p, pi, px
· parameters must be enclosed in double quotes if they contain any spaces!
· remember to include in your path the folder where Codec Commander has been installed if you wish to use Codex Commander from any folder on your computer
<Examples – Adding Files>
mcox a “c:\my documents\*.*” c:\*.txt
This will compress all the files under the “c:\my documents” folder and all files ending in “.txt” in the “c:\” folder into “” to be created in the current folder, using the default add profile.
mcox ar c:\ @”file list.txt” –“my add profile”
This will compress all files, including contents of subfolders, listed inside text file “file list.txt” (located in the current folder) into “c:\”, using the add profile called “my add profile”.
<Examples – Listing Archive Contents>
mcox l “c:\my downloads\program.lha” |more
This will list all contents of the archive “c:\my downloads\program.lha”, pausing to scroll as necessary.
<Examples – Extracting Archive Contents>
mcox e “c:\downloaded files\documents.tar” “c:\my documents” *.doc *.txt
This will extract from the archive “c:\downloaded files\documents.tar” into the folder “c:\my documents” all files ending in “.doc” and “*.txt”, using the default extract profile.
mcox e documents.jar c:\ -“my extract profile”
This will extract from the archive “documents.jar” (contained in the current folder) all files into the folder “c:\” using the extract profile called “my extract profile”.
<Examples – Viewing/Updating Archive Contents>
mcox v report.doc
This will extract “report.doc” contained inside the archive “” (located in the current folder) to a temporary folder, start the associated program with “.doc” files, wait for you to view or update the file “report.doc”, and then if you make any changes, update “report.doc” with the new version.
<Examples – Converting Archives Into Other Formats>
mcox c web.rar
This will convert the archive “” (located in the current folder) into “” and “web.rar” (both also located in the current folder). The original “” will be preserved.
mcox c a:\ c:\orange.lha d:\banana.jar
This will convert the archive “a:\” into “orange.lha” and “banana.jar”, both located under the folder “c:\”. Nothing will be converted into the folder “d:\”.
<Examples – Executing Archive Specific Tools>
mcox t “my” “exe maker”
This will run the tool called “Exe Maker” on the archive “my” located in the current folder.
mcox t “my” “delete selected items” @”c:\backups to delete.txt”
This will run the tool called “Delete Selected Items” on archive “my” (located in the current folder), for the files listed in text file “c:\backups to delete.txt”.
<Examples – Updating Plug-In Configuration>
mcox p
This will search the system for all installed Codex Plug-Ins and will enable Codec Commander to work with all installed plugins.
<Examples – Displaying Plug-In Configuration>
mcox pi
This will display information on all Codex Plug-Ins that Codex Commander is ready to work with.
<Examples – Clearing Plug-In Configuration>
mcox px
This will remove all plugin information from Codex Commander’s configuration. Very useful to “reset” Codex Commander’s plugin configuration, in case you are getting plugin errors (ex: plugin not found).
<Examples – Configuring Add Profiles>
mcox pa
This will configure the default add profile for the associated plugin with file type “.zip”. File “” must be located in the current folder.
mcox pa c:\ –“my add profile”
This will configure an add profile called “my add profile” (if this profile does not yet exist, it will be created automatically) for the associated plugin with the file type “.cab”. File “c:\” must exist.
<Examples – Configuring Extract Profiles>
mcox pe
This will configure the default extract profile for the associated plugin with file type “.zip”. File “” must be located in the current folder.
mcox pe c:\ –“my extract profile”
This will configure an extract profile called “my extract profile” (if this profile does not yet exist, it will be created automatically) for the associated plugin with the file type “.cab”. File “c:\” must exist.
<Examples – Listing Archive Specific Tools>
mcox pt d:\test.lha
This will list all archive specific tools associated with file type “.lha”. File “d:\test.lha” must exist.
<Examples – Visiting Codex Commander Home Page on the Web>
mcox w
This will open your web browser and take you to the home page of Codex Commander. An Internet connection is required!