The Compression Sampler takes the guesswork out of choosing which archive type to use! With the increasing number of archive types available today, one is often puzzled on what the benefits of each archive type are. Use the Compression Sampler to automatically determine:
The strongest and weakest compressing archive type
The fastest and slowest compressing archive type
To use the Compression Sampler:
Run the Compression Sampler using the Start menu.
Select a Small, Medium, or Large sample size.
Click Start Test to begin compression sampling.
The Compression Sampler will first select a random collection of files from your local hard drive to be compressed. The exact size of the sample is determined by the sample size. The Compression Sampler then compresses the sample using the "Default" profile for each of your available archive types. When the compression is complete, the Compression Sampler displays results for each of your available archive types.
See also: