Inside Windows Explorer, right-click the archive you wish to view. From the menu that appears, choose Properties. A standard property sheet will be displayed, which contains information about the file provided by Windows. Notice the new Archive tab. Click the Archive tab to view the contents of the selected archive!
It's that easy!
Double-click a file in the contents list to view it. If you change the file you are viewing, you will even be offered the chance to update the archive with the changes you have made to the file!
If you wish to extract files from the archive, select them in the contents list, then click the Extract button. You will be prompted for the output folder and the items you selected will be extracted there.
After selecting an file in the contents list, you may also click the View button instead of double-clicking the file to view and update the file.
Use the Archive Folders feature to be able to browse directly inside archives inside Explorer.